- Ph.D. of Interpreter Education, University of Leeds, UK
- E-mail:angyacc@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Research Area:Conference Interpreting, Interpreter Training, Curriculum Design, Qualitative Research
- Chen, A. C. (2017), ‘Before Interpreter Training: Exploring the Characteristics of Interpreting Learners with Narratives’,
Spectrum: Studies in Language, Literature, Translation and Interpretation, 15 (1). - Chen, A. C. (2013), ‘‘An Articulated Learning Path: Locating Interpreting Learning from the Narrations of Learners’’,
The Making of a Translator: Multiple Perspectives [譯者養成面面觀]; Liao, H.-H., Kao, T.-E., & Lin, Y. (Eds.). 293-315. Taipei: Bookman Books. - Chen, A. C. (2018), The Selection of Professional Interpreters in Taiwan:
Governmental Accreditation vs. Professional Examination by Academic Institutions. Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.
(ISBN: 978-620-2-31791-7)
- Chen, A. C. (2018), Splendor not Required— An Interpreter’s Life in Sync [不華麗也可以轉身—雙聲同步,口譯之路].
Taipei: Chiang-Xin Cultural & Creative Marketing. (ISBN: 978-986-9-57987-2)
- Chen, A. C. (2003), Where My Dreams Take Off [夢想起飛的地方] — collection of An-Chi CHEN’s award-winning and published proses.
Kaohsiung: SYF Publishing Group. (ISBN: 978-957-4-10844-2) - Chen, A. C. (2019), Application of Reflective Writing in Interpreting—An Example from an Interpreting University-Industry Collaboration Project (反思寫作在口譯學習上的應用—以口譯產學合作日誌為例). The 23rd International Symposium on Translation and Interpretation: Culture vs. Technology (第二十三屆口筆譯國際學術研討會: 翻譯場域中文化與科技的共舞與對抗), Chang Jung Christian University, Taiwan. 2019/05/25.
- Chen, A. C. (2018), The Effect of Debating Training on Undergraduate Interpreting Trainees (口譯課程加入辯論訓練之成效探討). 2018 Cross-Strait Foreign Languages Forum (2018 海峽兩岸外國語文學論壇), Tamkang University, Taiwan. 2018/06/07-09.
- Chen, A. C. (2018), Debate Training for Student Interpreters. NPIT4 4th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation, Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study (STIAS), South Africa. 2018/05/22-24
- Chen, A. C. (2018), Application of Reflective Writing in Interpreting—An Example from an Interpreting University-Industry Collaboration Project (反思寫作在口譯學習上的應用—以口譯產學合作日誌為例). International Forum on Foreign Languages Education and Studies in Local Culture (外語教育與在地文化研究學術論壇), Tamkang University, Taiwan. 2018/04/28.
- Chen, A. C. (2015), The Application of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) in Undergraduate Interpreting Education (CLIL在大學口譯課堂上的應用). 2015 Symposium on Foreign Languages and Literature: Peking University, Tamkang University and Taiyuan University of Technology (2015北京大學,淡江大學,太原理功大學外國語言文學研討會),Taiyuan University of Technology, Shanxi Province, China. 2015/05/30
- Chen, A. C. (2015), The Making of the Interpreter—A Narrative Perspective. Monterey Forum 2015: Educating Translators, Interpreters and Localizers in an Evolving World, Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California, U.S. 2015/03/28-29
- Chen, A. C. (2014), Becoming an Interpreter. The 10th China Conference and International Forum on Interpreting (2014第十屆全國口譯大會暨國際口譯研討會), Xiamen University, China. 2014/10/17-18
- Chen, A. C. (2012), Working Knowledge for Interpreters: A Profession Narrated and Interpreted. 1st International ProPEL (Professional Practice, Education and Learning) Conference 2012, University of Stirling. 2012/05/09-11
- Chen, A. C. (2012), An Articulated Learning Path: Locating Interpreting Learning from the Narrations of Learners. 2012 LTTC International Conference—the Making of a Translator (2012 語言訓練中心國際研討會—譯者的養成), Language Training and Testing Centre, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. 2012/04/28-29
- Chen, A. C. (2011), Pathways to Expertise— Development of Interpreters from Novices to Experts. 7th International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting, University of Edinburgh. 2011/10/28-30
- Chen, A. C. (2011), Exploring the Development of Interpreters. 2011 ESSL Postgraduate Research Conference, Faculty of Education, Social Science and Law, University of Leeds. 2011/05/04
- Chen, A. C. (2011), Pathways to Expertise. Taiwan Scientific Symposium (臺灣科技學術研討會), University of Leeds. 2011/03/12
Educational Background(學歷)
✪ Ph.D. of Interpreter Education, University of Leeds, UK
Professional Experience(經歷)
✪ Assistant Professor, Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST
✪ Assistant Professor, Dept. of Foreign Languages and Literatures, NCHU
✪ Assistant Professor, Dept. of English, TKU
✪ Certified Chinese-English Conference Interpreter
Honors and Awards(榮譽和獲獎)
✪ 2017 Creative Teaching and Curriculum Design Excellence Award for University Teachers
(Journal of Teaching Practice and Research on Higher Education)
✪ 2010 Study Abroad Scholarship (Ministry of Education, ROC)
Research Project(研究計畫)
MOE Research Project
編號 |
計畫名稱 (Research Topics) |
起訖日期 (Period) |
核定經費 (Grant) |
1. |
教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫:國際視野,雙語人選─中英種子口譯員養成計畫 III (MOE-106-2-3-022) |
2017/08/01 ~ |
NTD 1,210,000 |
2. |
教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫:國際視野,雙語人選─中英種子口譯員養成計畫 II (MOE-105-2-3-015) |
2016/08/01 ~ |
NTD 792,000 |
3. |
教育部多元文化語境之英文學習革新課程計畫:國際視野,雙語人選─中英種子口譯員養成計畫I (MOE-104-2-3-019) |
2015/08/01 ~ 2016/07/31 |
NTD 781,000 |
Journal Articles(期刊論文)
Book chapters(專書章節)
Conference Presentation(研討會論文發表 )
Professional Service(專業服務)
✪ 地檢署特約通譯(2017-迄今)
✪ 大學入學考試中心學科能力測驗英文科閱卷委員(2015-迄今)
✪ 世界技能大賽中華隊翻譯(2011-迄今)
Invited Talks(受邀演講)
日期 |
演講名稱 | 地點 |
2019/05/24 |
烏雲後的金邊:那些口譯教會我的事 | 南海寺 |
2019/05/14 | 雙聲同步與口譯技巧 | 國立聯合大學 客家語言與傳播研究所 |
2019/05/10 | 學習,在聽與說之間—從敘事法探究口譯員培訓 | 東吳大學英文系 翻譯研究系列講座 |
2019/04/26 |
以口譯認識世界 | 新北市立安康高中 |
2019/03/23 |
在聽與說之間,認識大千世界—口譯人生 | 臺北醫學大學語言中心 |
2019/03/14 | 黑暗中的一絲曙光—口譯員的跨文化經歷 |
國立臺灣師範大學 |
2018/12/14 |
說出一條路:斑城足跡,口譯行旅 | 高雄市立 高雄女子高級中學 |
2018/11/30 |
口譯千尋:譯藝,譯異,譯義 | 東吳大學德文系 |
2018/11/30 |
雙聲同步,口譯之路 | 淡江大學英文系 |
2018/11/23 |
口譯技巧用於英語課堂舉隅 | 淡江大學全英教學工作坊 |
2018/11/17 |
說給你聽—回應中興高中讀者的六十道命題 | 國立中興高級中學資優講座 |
2018/11/09 | 閱讀饗宴—與作家有約:《不華麗也可以轉身:雙聲同步,口譯之路》 | 高雄市立三民國民中學 |
2018/06/09 | 口譯員看世界:臺灣經驗 vs. 國際視野 | 2018 福智青年論壇暨校友年會: 正向轉動世界──夢想實踐力 |
2018/06/06 |
生活中的語文練習 | 國立臺灣師範大學通識教育中心 |
2018/04/23 | 在中文與英文之間,有個場域—英漢口譯教學與實務 |
澳門理工大學 |
2017/12/08 |
英漢口譯教學與實務 | 東吳大學德文系 |
2017/12/04 |
在中文與英文之間,有個場域—話說口譯 |
國立中興大學外文系 |
2017/11/13 | 提升雙語能力之口筆譯課堂活動 |
東海大學教師社群教學分享 |
2017/11/13 |
為口筆譯培訓作準備之母語提升 | 東海大學外文系 |
2017/04/28 |
學習在說與譯之間—口譯技巧用於英文課堂舉隅 | 臺北醫學大學語言中心 教師社群教學分享 |
2017/03/29 |
雙聲同步,我的口譯之路 | 淡江大學外語學院翻譯學程講座課程 |
2016/01/09 |
從語文專長到口譯之路 | 國立彰化女子高級中學語文資優班 |
2015/11/25 |
中文英文、口譯筆耕、尋根逐夢 | 國立臺灣師範大學英語系 |
2015/05/06 |
雙聲同步,我的口譯之路 | 國立中興大學外文系 |
2015/04/21 |
英國口譯研究所簡介 | 淡江大學中英翻譯教師 精進成長社群 |
2015/04/21 |
基礎會議口譯 | 淡江大學外語學院 翻譯學程講座課程 |
2015/04/09 |
英語授課教學實務工作坊: 以大學口譯課為例 | 淡江大學學習與教學中心 |
2014/12/03 |
會議口譯課程初探 | 淡江大學 實用英語讀寫譯講座課程 |
2014/06/11 |
如何身兼口譯研究員與自由譯者,從學府到業界—研究員的另一條路 | 英國里茲大學職業輔導中心 |
2014/04/14 |
雙聲同步,我的英國口譯之路 | 國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研究所 |