- Professor
- PhD, Indiana University, Bloomington
- E-mail:glorialo@mail.ntust.edu.tw
Research Area:Curriculum Design, Professional Development of English Teachers
- Lo, Y. G., & Cheng, Y. S. (2018). Contested or complementary? Mingling between two distinct writing pedagogies for genre instruction in one EFL undergraduate writing course. Writing & Pedagogy, 10(1), 31-60.
- Lo, Y. G., & Lee, M. H. (2017). An in-depth analysis of reading activities design in communicative ELT materials. Journal of English Education, 5(2), 35-82.
- Lo, Y. G. (2017). Reconceptualizing curriculum politics: A case study of an ESP program for vocational high school students in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of TESOL, 14(1), 37-86. (MOST 104-2410-H-011-020 & MOST 102-2410-H-011-010)
- Lo, Y. G. (2016). An exploratory study on vocational high school students’ needs in learning EGP and ESP. Journal of Applied English, 10, 73-116. (MOST Project, No: 105-2410-H-011-024)
- Lee, M. H., & Lo, Y. G. (2016). An analytical study of reading activities in communicative ELT materials. Journal of English Education, 4(2), 81-116.
- Lo, Y. G., & Sanjaya, B. O. (2015). When academia meets industry: Effective ESP curriculum development for vocational high school students delivering professional business presentations. English as a Global Language Education (EaGLE), 1(2), 31-62. (MOST Project, No: 102-2410-H-011-010)
- Lo, Y. G., Hsiao, Y. M., P, F. A., Wu, S. J., & Shih, Y. J. (2014). A study of EFL teachers’ and elementary school administrators’ attitudes toward implementing interactive whiteboards in Taipei public elementary school. Journal of Applied English, 7, 55-96. (MOST Project, No: 103-2815-C-011-017-H)
- Lo, Y. G. & Tsai, Y. T. (2013). Linking English learning to the workplace experience: An ESP for vocational high school students of International Trade. Journal of English Education, 2(1), 1-34. (NSC Project, No: 101-2410-H-011-019)
- Lo, Y. G. (2013). Learning to teach ESP in a school-university partnership. Studies of English Language and Literature, 31,127-144. (NSC Project, No: 99-2411-H-011-032)
- Lo Y. G. (2012). ESP versus EGP: A case study of an ESP Program for vocational high school students of Tourism. Taiwan International ESP Journal, 3(3), 71-100.
- Lo, Y. G. (2011). “Learning English is like going to Hell”: Using leaner stories for making critical pedagogical decisions. Special issue on using stories for language learning and community building. TESOL Journal, 2 (2), 249-258.
- Lo, Y. G. (2011). In response to glocalization: A cross-case analysis of three ESP programs. Studies of English Language and Literature, 27, 93-104.
- Lo, Y. G. (2009). Action research: An alternative form of professional development, Tapestries, 3, 109-119. (NSC Project, No: 94-2411-H-346-001)
- Chao, C. C., Lo, Y. G., & Yeh, V. H. (2006). Thirty years of English teacher education in Taiwan: Paradigm shifts in research as revealed by Journal of English Teaching and Learning. Journal of English Teaching and Learning, Special Issues 26(2), 111-132.Buckwater, J. & Lo, Y. G. (2002).
- Emergent biliteracy in Chinese and English. Journal of Second language writing, 11(4), 269-293. (Honorable Mention, Journal of Second Language Writing Award for the Best Article published in 2002, SSCI--ISSN: 1060-3743)
- Lo, Y. G. (2002). Teaching behind the computer screen: An international graduate student’s experiences in online education. Reading Online, 6(4).
- Lo, Y. G., & Liou, S. M. (2002). A comparative study of secondary foreign language teacher education at Indiana University in the US and Taiwan Normal University in Taiwan. Journal of Penghu Institute of Technology, 5, 27-54. (A previous version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MAERA), October, 2000, Chicago, IL. ERIC clearinghouse on language and linguistics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 447 716)
- Lo, Y. G. (2000). Incorporating learning centers into EFL curricula in elementary schools. The ETA-ROC Newsletter, 4(1), 3-6, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. & Lin, F. L. (2007). Critical commentary on classroom management, In G. Tinker Sachs & B. Ho (Eds.), ESL/EFL cases: contexts for teacher professional discussions (pp. 150-153), City University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong, China.
- Lo, Y. G. (2006). Leading the way in the new millennium: An integrated multiage EFL Program in Taiwan, In M. McCloskey, J. Orr, & M. Dolitsky (Eds.), Teaching English as a foreign language in primary school (pp. 25-39), TESOL Publisher Association, VA, USA.
- Lo, Y. G. (2005). Relevance of knowledge of second language acquisition: An in-depth case study on a non-native EFL teacher. In N. Bartels (Ed.), Researching Applied Linguistics in language teacher education (pp. 135-158), Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Flint, S. F., Van Sluys, K., Lo, Y. G., & East. D. (2002). “I never thought a first grader could teach me how to write”: Examining beliefs and positions in author’s circles. In D. L. Schallert, C. M. Fairbanks, J. Worthy, B. Maloch, & J. B. Hoffman (Eds.), 51st yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp.164-175), Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference, Inc.
- Lo, Y. G. (2001). Creating learning centers: An experimental EFL program for beginners in Taiwan. In Chern Chou-Lan, Liaw, Meei-Ling & Shen Tien-Cheng (Eds.), ESOL literacy in the Asia-Pacific Region (pp. 118-120), Taiwan Reading Association, Taiwan.
- Wang, W. T., & Lo, Y. G. (2015, November). The Effects of Audio Story Books on Teenage EFL Learners’ Reading Abilities and Learning Motivation. Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on English teaching, November 13, Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2012, October). Co-Learning in school-university partnership: Towards a model of school of curriculum development and assessment. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference & Workshop on English for Specific Purposes, Tainan. (Full Paper submission and accepted) NSC 100-2410-H-011-024
- Lo, Y. G. (2012, May). It’s not only making films: Learning to teach through filmmaking, 470-473, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference, The Medium Matters (ISBN 978-986-6195-51-8), Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan. NSC 100-2410-H-011-024
- Lo, Y. G. (Ed.). (2010). Let’s talk about tourist attractions in Penghu: Supplemental materials for EFL learners. Published by the Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Penghu University. (ISBN: 978-986-01-4627-1)
- Lo, Y. G. (Ed.). (2009). Let’s talk about holidays and festivals: Supplemental EFL materials for learners in Penghu. Published by the Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Penghu University. (ISBN: 978-986-02-3027-7)
- Lo, Y. G. (Ed.). (2008). Manual for English tour guides. Published by Penghu Tourism Department, Penghu County Government, Penghu, Taiwan (ISBN: 986-4627-6)
- Lo, Y. G. (Ed.). (2005). Let’s talk about Penghu: Supplemental EFL materials for learners in Penghu. Published by the Department of Applied Foreign Languages, National Penghu University & Penghu English Advisory Committee, Penghu, Taiwan (ISBN: 986-00-3414-1)
- Lo, Y. G., & Lee, S. (2018, October). The power of imagined target audience: In-depth reading and writing for specific purposes. Paper presented at the 1st Pan-Pacific Technology-Enhanced Language Learning (PPTELL2018) conference at National Taiwan Normal University, October 4-6, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G., & Cheng, Y. S. (2018, August). Do English patterns matter in writing? Divergent perspectives from EFL learners and ESL teachers, paper presented at the 2018 Symposium on Second Language Writing, August 2-4, Vancouver, Canada.
- Lo, Y. G. (2018, April). To teach or not to teach: Perspectives of Vocational High School Teachers and students towards ESP instruction, paper presented at the 2018 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), April 20-21, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2017, June). Vocational high school students’ needs in learning EGP and ESP, paper presented at the CAES International Conference, June 2, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Lo, Y. G., & Lee, Y. R., & Lin, C. C., & Lin, M. Y., & Su, P. A. (2017, May). Chinese female preferences for English wording in online cosmetic advertisements, paper presented at the 34th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning, May 19-20, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2016, April). Is there a role of ESP for VHS English Education in Taiwan? The viewpoint from VHS English teachers, paper presented at the 2016 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Languages Teaching (ALLT), April 15-16, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2016, March). Can an ethnographic approach make a difference in ESP curriculum development, paper presented at 51st RELC International Conference Teaching Literacies- Emerging Pathways and Possibilities in Language Education, March 14-16, SMEAMEO Regional Language Centre, Singapore.
- Wang, W. T., & Lo, Y. G. (2015, November). The effects of audio story books on teenage EFL learners, paper presented at the 24th International Symposium on English teaching, November 13, Chien Tan Overseas Youth Activity Center, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2015, October). Needs analysis and curriculum design in ESP: A case study for vocational high school students in Taiwan, paper presented at the 12th Annual Wenshan International Conference, October 24, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G., Lin, L. Y. (2015, May). From an ESP program to a trade fair presentation contest, paper presented at the 32nd International Conference on English teaching & learning (ROCTEFL 2015), May 24, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G., Lai, Y. Y. (2015, May).When academia meets industry: Effective ESP curriculum development for vocational high school students delivering professional business presentations (ET-17), paper presented at the Hwa Kang International Conference on English Language & Literature: World Englishes and Literatures, May 2, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2015, April). Perspectives of ESP teaching among vocational high school (VHS) teachers in Taiwan, paper presented at International Conference on English Education, April 25-26, Shih Chen University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2014, May). Exploring heterogeneity in teaching English for workplace purposes, paper presented at Christians in English Language Teaching Conference (CELT), May 23-25, Christ’s College, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2014, May). Learning from teaching English for workplace purposes (EWP): Reflection upon comments given by diverse perspectives, paper presented at the 31st International Conference on English Teaching & Learning, May 17-18, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taoyuan, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2014, April). Forging a link between the classroom and the professional context: How can teachers be prepared to teach English for workplace purposes?, paper presented at the Global Academic Network International Conference (Tokyo), April 23-26, Temple University, Tokyo, Japan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2014, April). “I thought it was only about English”: Effects of an interview English course on Taiwanese college students, paper presented at the 2014 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), April 17-19, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2013, September). Beyond the ESP pedagogy: The 3Cs of contrasting ESP theories, paper presented at the Second International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & the Fifth International Conference on ESP in Asia, September 27-29, the Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
- Lo, Y. G. (2012, December). ESP teacher education in the era of globalization: Knowledge base, curriculum development and implementation, paper presented at the First International Conference of the Chinese Association for ESP & the Fourth International Conference on ESP in Asia, December 13-16, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
- Lo, Y. G. (2012, May). Teacher learning in a project-based ESP program. Chaired by Prof. Karen E. Johnson, paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Wenshan International Conference, May 26, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G., C. C. Chao, & H. C. Yeh (2012, May). Interactions within, between and across communities: A model for EFL professional development. Chaired by Prof. Karen E. Johnson, paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Wenshan International Conference, May 26, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2012, May). It’s not only making films: Learning to teach through filmmaking. Paper presented at the 15th International CALL Research Conference and Graduate Student Paper Competition, May 25, Providence University, Taichung, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2012, May). ESP practitioners as culture brokers: Brokering acts from written scripts to oral English tours. Paper presented at the 29th International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C., May 19, Chinese Culture University, Yangmingshan, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2012, April). Learning to teach ESP in a school-university partnership: An in-depth case study. Paper presented at the 2012 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT), & the Second Cross-strait Symposium on Foreign Language Teaching & Research, April 19, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2011, October). What makes it “academic”? Exploring college students’ perception about English for academic purposes. Paper presented at the 5th Conference on College English, October 22, National Chingchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2011b, August). Cross-cultural learning at the crossroads of globalization and localization. Paper presented at the 16th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, August 24, Beijing, China. (National Science Research Project, No: 100-2410-H-011-024)
- Lo, Y. G. (2011, June). The place of journal writing response in the development of EFL writers. Paper presented at the 2011 Symposium of Second Language Writing, June 9, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2010, December). Local needs vs. global demands: A study of an ESP program for vocational high school learners. Paper presented at the 2010 Asian Conference of Education, December 3, Osaka, Japan. National Science Research Project, No: 99-2410-H-011-032-)
- Lo, Y. G. (2010, April). In response to glocalization: A cross-case analysis of three ESP programs. Paper presented at the 2010 International ALLT Conference, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, April 17, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G., Chao, C. & Yeh, H. V. (2009, June). Multilingual writers experiences in learning to write for scholarly publications. Paper presented at the 2009 Summer Institute of Applied Linguistics, Penn State University, June 29, 2009, Stage College, USA (National Science Research Project, No: 97-2410-H-346-004)
- Lo, Y. G. (2007, November). Use of local EFL literature: Enhancing EFL professional development through community partnership. Paper presented at the International TEFL Conference, National Taichung Teachers College, Taichung, Taiwan. (National Science Research Project, No: 95-2411-H-346-001)
- Lo, Y. G. (2007, November). Co-researching: Use of local EFL literature through community partnership. Paper presented at the 17th International Symposium of English Teaching (National Science Research Project, No: 95-2411-H-346-001)
- Lo, Y. G., Chao, C. & Yeh, H. V. (2007, September). “It’s too local to be interesting:” Learning to be more daring to write from peripheries. Paper presented at the International Conference of Second Language Writing at Pacific Rim, Japan. (National Science Research Project, No: 94-2411-H-346-001)
- Lo, Y. G., Chao, C. & Yeh, H. V. (2007, May). Educating to learn and earning to educate across cultures. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN, USA. (National Science Research Project, No: 94-2411-H-346-001)
- Lo, Y. G. (2007, April). Toward a professional EFL learning community: Issues, processes and implications. Paper presented at National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan. (National Science Research Project, No: 94-2411-H-346-001)
- Lo, Y. G., & Cho, C., & Yeh, H. C. (2005, June). Learning community for EFL teacher professional development: Challenges and possibilities. Paper presented at the Fourth International Conference on Language Teacher Education, June 3, 2005 Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. (National Science Research Project, No: 93-2411-H-346-002)
- Lo, Y. G., Cho, C., Yeh, H. C. (2005, May). Developing processes of professional learning communities, Paper presented at Harste & Burke Conference: Research and Teaching in These Critical Times, May 20-22, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA. (National Science Research Project, No: 93-2411-H-346-002)
- Lo, Y. G. Cho, C. & Yeh, H. C. (2004, November). Collaborative inquiry: Beliefs, assumptions, and knowledge of EFL teacher educators. Paper presented at the 13th International Symposium of English Teaching. Taipei, Taiwan. (National Science Research Project, No: 93-2411-H-346-002)
- Chao, C. C. & Lo, Y. G.. (2004, February). What pushes girls away from the computer? Understanding gender inequity in children’s computer use. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of Language and Technology, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2003, December). Use of narrative inquiry: An in-depth case study. Paper presented at the conference of Qualitative Research in the Vocational and Technological Education System, National Penghu Institute of Technology, Penghu, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2003, October). (Re-)Negotiating sociocultural identities about language, language teaching, and language learning. Paper presented at the Fourth Annual Wenshan International Conference, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G. (2003, May). Teaching and learning across cultures. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Language Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN, USA. (Grant in Aid Fellowship, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA)
- Lo, Y. G. & Lin, F. L. (2002, May). Reading theories and strategies for EFL teaching in elementary school. Paper presented at Jeng-Chang elementary school, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Lo, Y. G., Lin, F. L, & Tung, T. (2002, February). How do parents help to create a rich EFL environment for children? Symposium conducted at Jeng-Chang elementary school, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
- Flint, A., Sluys, K., Y. G. Lo, East, D. (2001, December). I never thought a first grade could teach me how to write”: Examining beliefs and positions in author’s circles. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Reading Conference (NRC), San Antonio, TX, USA.
- Lo, Y. G. (2001, March). From Western language teacher education programs to Eastern EFL classrooms: Alienation of theory and practice. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language (TESOL), March 1, St. Louis, MS, USA. ERIC Clearinghouse on Language and Linguistics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 462004)
- Lo, Y. G. (2001, March). What do they need from MA TESOL programs: A case study of four non-native EFL teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language (TESOL), March 1, St. Louis, MS, USA. ERIC Clearinghouse on Language and Linguistics. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 456 652)
學歷 (Educational Background)
*美國印地安納大學語言教育博士 (布魯明頓校區)
Ph.D. of Language Education, Bloomington, Indiana, USA
經歷 (Professional Experience)
Professor, Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST
Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, NTUST
Chair of Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, National Penghu University of Science and Technology
Director of Language Center, National Penghu University of Science and Technology
Associate Professor, Dept. of Applied Foreign Languages, National Penghu University of Science and Technology
Reference Specialist, Reading, English and Communication Clearinghouse, IN, USA
*美國印地安納大學語言教育所研究助理、助教 (遠距教學)
Research Assistant & Teaching Assistant, Indiana University (Bloomington)
Lecturer of National Penghu Institute & Director of Student Counseling Center
*台北君悅 (前凱悅飯店)人力資源部語言培訓專員
Language Trainer of Human Resources, Grant Hyatt, Taipei
Director of Curriculum & Branch, Fu-Jen American School
榮譽和獲獎 (Honors and Awards)
*榮獲95年全國技專校院校生實務專題製作競賽暨成果展【卓越獎】(第一名) 指導老師
2002 Recipient of Honorable Mention, Journal of Second Language Writing Award for the Best Article published in 2002 (SSCI-ISSN: 1060-3743).
2002 Recipient of Doctoral Student Research in Aids, Indiana University, Bloomington.
2002 Recipient of Travel Grant Award, INTESOL, Indinapolis, Indiana.
2002 Recipient of Ruth G. Strickland Memorial Fellowship, Indiana University, Bloomington.
2002 Recipient of International Peace Scholarship, Philanthropic Education Organization, Iowa
2001 Recipient of Language Education Professional Development Fellowship, Indiana University,
2001 Recipient of International Peace Scholarship, Philanthropic Education Organization, Iowa
1999 Recipient of Language Education Professional Development Fellowship, Indiana University
1998 Recipient of Community Partnership Grant : College Students Assisting Middle/Elementary Student Organizations, The Ministry of Education, Taiwan
1996 Recipient of International Student Fee Assistance Award, Indiana University, Bloomington.
專業服務 (Professional Service)
*台北市教師研習中心教育研究審查委員& 指導教授
受邀演講 (Invited Talks)
編號 (No.) |
日期 (Date) |
邀請單位 (Institution) |
演講主題 (Speech Topics) |
1 |
2018. 06.06 |
國立台灣師範大學 |
Contested or complementary: Mingling between two district writing pedagogies in one EFL undergraduate writing course |
2 |
2018. 03.20 |
台中市中港高中 |
Interview English (大專院校英語面面觀)
3 |
2017. 06.19 |
國立政治大學 英文系 |
Chinese female preferences for English wording in online cosmetic advertisements |
4 |
2016. 10.14 |
新北市三重高級商業職業學校 |
如何教授面試英文? (Curriculum for English Interview) |
5 |
2015. 10.07 |
新北市三重高級商業職業學校 |
【創意專題講座 ─ 英文專題這樣玩!】 |
6 |
2015. 06.03 |
國立政治大學 英文系 |
Perspectives on ESP teaching among vocational high school (VHS) English teachers in Taiwan: a response |
7 |
2013. 10.25 |
國立高雄應用科技大學應用外語系 |
What does it mean by “bringing the gap between the ESP teaching/learning and professional practice: A CHAT perspective |
8 |
2012. 11.30 |
國立高雄應用科技大學應用外語系 |
What do their narratives inform us about ESP teacher education: Learning to reach ESP from the classroom to the workplace |
9 |
2012. 10.27 |
2012專業英語文國際學術研討會 |
Co-learning in a school-university partnership: Towards a model of school-based ESP curriculum development and assessment |
10 |
2012. 06.29 |
馬偕醫護管理專科學校 |
An overview of English reading and writing teaching strategies and assessment |
11 |
2011. 11.10 |
國立交通大學 語言中心 |
Teacher learning in a project-based ESP program: A sociocultural perspective |
12 |
2011. 10.14 |
國立高雄應用科技大學應用外語系 |
Studies of developing localized English materials and curricula across educational levels |
13 |
2011. 10.14 |
國立高雄應用科技大學應用外語系 |
Film-making as a mediational tool for ESP teacher learning |
14 |
2011. 06 |
私立實踐大學 應用外語系 |
Secrets to writing?! Learning from successful stories about writing practices |
15 |
2010.05.14~05.15 |
國立師範大學 |
Secrets to reading: The development of and research on localized reading materials |
16 |
2010. 4. 16 |
國立台灣科技大學 應用外語系 |
Student projects implementation of technological college students: Problems, issues and solutions |
17 |
2010. 11.10 |
康寧醫護暨管理專科學校應用外語科 |
A model of department-based ESP curriculum development. Invited speech
18 |
2009. 06. 27 |
CALPER (Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research), Penn State University |
“Have you been able to I”: Multilingual writers’ experiences in scholarly publications |
19 |
2009. 04.15 |
Kaohsiung English Advisory Team |
Processes of developing localized English materials and curricula through school-university partnership |
20 |
2008. 11.19 |
國立政治大學 英文系 |
Interdisciplinary collaboration for ESP (English for Specific Purposes) curriculum and instruction development: A case study |
21 |
2008. 05.04 |
國立中正大學 英文系 |
Interactions within, between and across communities: A model for EFL professional development |
22 |
2008 |
私立樹德科技大學 應用外語系 |
What has narrative inquiry done to us personally, professionally, and scholarly? |
23 |
2007 |
國立台灣師範大學 英文系 |
Toward a professional EFL learning community: Issues, processes and implications |
24 |
2006. 09.06 |
Department of Language Education, Indiana University (Bloomington) |
An interactively discursive model for professional development community |
25 |
2006. 08.12 |
東衛國民小學 |
Integrating local literature into nine-year integrated curriculum |
26 |
2004. 12.10 |
國立台灣師範大學 英文系 |
Developing local literature for EFL learners |
科技部計畫 (Research Projects)
編號 (No.) |
計畫名稱 (Research Topics) |
起訖日期 (Period) |
核定經費 (Grant) |
1 |
台灣高職學生英語學習需求分析:高職學生、英語教師、與專業教師觀點之研究 Needs Analysis of Taiwanese Vocational High School (VHS) Students: Viewpoints from VHS Students, English Teachers, and Subject Teachers (III) (107-2410-H-011-013) |
2018/08/01~ |
NT$ 805,000 |
2 |
高職學生英語學習需求分析: 台灣高職英語教師與學生觀點之研究 Needs Analysis of Taiwanese Vocational High School (VHS) Students: Viewpoints from VHS Students, English Teachers, and Subject Teachers (III) (106-2410-H-011-014) |
2017/08/01~ |
NT$ 714,000 |
3 |
高職學生英語學習需求分析: 台灣高職英語教師與學生觀點之研究 Needs Analysis of VHS Students: Viewpoints from Taiwanese VHS English Teachers and Students (105-2410-H-011-024) |
2016/08/01~ |
NT$ 566,000 |
4 |
職場文化與專業英文課程設計: 以民俗誌研究取徑的個案研究 Professional Culture and the Curriculum Development in ESP: An Ethnography-based Case Study |
2015/08/01~ |
NT$ 649,000 |
5 |
全球化下的專業英語師資培育:課室與職場的連結與互動之探討 ESP Teacher Education in the Era of Globalization: Forging a Link between the Classroom and the Workplace |
2013/08/01~ |
NT$ 448,000 |
6 |
全球化下專業英語師資培育: 知識建構、課程發展與實踐之研究 ESP Teacher Education in the Era of Globalization: Knowledge Base, Curriculum Development and Implementation (I) |
2012/08/01~ |
NT$ 450,000 |
7 |
教育夥伴中的共修: 以學校本位課程為導向之專業英文課程發展與評量 Co-Learning in School-University Partnership: Towards a Model of School-Based ESP Curriculum Development and Assessment (II) |
2011/08/01~ |
NT$ 567,000 |
8 |
教育夥伴中的共修: 以學校本位課程為導向之專業英文課程發展與評量(I) Co-Learning in School-University Partnership: Towards a Model of School-Based ESP Curriculum Development and Assessment (I) |
2010/08/01~ |
NT$ 566,000 |
9 |
新進英語教學研究學者之學術論文發表歷程 Collaborative Narrative Inquiry on Junior EFL Scholars’ Learning to Write for Publication |
2008/08/01~ |
NT$ 483,000 |
10 |
邁向英語文教師專業發展之學習社群:由「教師即研究者」的課程發展探討教師專業成長及學生學習之成效 Toward a Professional EFL Learning Community: Enhancing curriculum development and learning outcomes through “Teachers as researchers” |
2006/08/01~ |
NT$ 419,000 |
11 |
邁向英語文教師專業發展之學習社群(Ⅱ):英語文教師學習社群之議題、歷程與對策邁向英語文教師專業發展之學習社群(Ⅱ):英語文教師學習社群之議題、歷程與對策 Toward a Professional EFL Learning Community: Process, Connection and Interaction of Teachers’ Learning Communities |
2005/08/01~ |
NT$ 321,000 |
12 |
邁向英語文教師專業發展之學習社群(一):英語文教育研究學者之信念,假設,與知識之探討 Toward a Professional EFL Learning Community: Beliefs, Assumptions, & Knowledge of EFL Teacher Educators |
2004/08/01~ |
NT$ 351,000 |
產學計畫 (Academia & Industry Collaboration Projects)
編號 (No.) |
計畫名稱 (Project Topics) |
起訖日期 (Period) |
核定經費 (Grant) |
1 |
《英語電子商務品牌行銷及推廣》產學合作計畫 (牧人企業有限公司) |
2016/7/1~ 2017/4/30 |
2 |
《英語電子商務行銷語言策略》產學合作計畫 (牧人企業有限公司) |
2015/8/15~ 2016/4/15 |
NT$ 119,464 |
3 |
《英語電子商務系統建構》產學合作計畫 (牧人企業有限公司) |
NT$ 96,772 |
指導科技部大專生參與專題研究計畫 (Advisor of MOST Students Projects)
編號 (No.) |
年度 (Year) |
學生姓名 (Student’s name) |
計畫內容 (Project) |
1 |
107 |
陳昱霖 |
計畫名稱:Does the preparation match the expectation? A Comparative Study of the Evaluation Criteria for Job Interviews between the Academia and the Workplace 計畫編號:107-2813-C-011-007-H 執行起迄:2018/07/01~2019/02/28 指導教授:駱藝瑄 核定金額: 47,000元 |
2 |
105 |
李宜柔 |
計畫名稱:Chinese Female Preferences for English Wording in Online Video Advertising in the Cosmetics Industry 計畫編號:105-2815-C-011-027-H 執行起迄:2016/07/01~2017/02/28 指導教授:駱藝瑄 核定金額: 47,000元 |
3 |
103 |
邱晏虹 |
計畫名稱:A Study of IWB Courseware Development and Implementation in 3rd Graders’ EFL Classroom 計畫編號:103-281-C-011-017-H 執行起迄:2014/07/01~2015/02/28 指導教授:駱藝瑄 核定金額: 47,000元 |
4 |
101 |
蔡宜庭 |
計畫名稱:Bridging English and Workplace: An ESP Program for Vocational High School Students 計畫編號:101-2815-C-011-006-H 執行起迄:2012/07/01~2013/02/28 指導教授:駱藝瑄 核定金額: 47,000元 |
5 |
100 |
張碧芳 |
計畫名稱:International Students' Educational Experiences in Taiwan: A Case Study of NTUST 執行起迄:2011/07/01~2012/02/29 指導教授:駱藝瑄 核定金額: 47,000元 |
6 |
97 |
劉俊志 |
計畫名稱:When 繪本Meets戲劇: 融合澎湖在地特色之幼兒英語教學研究 |
7 |
96 |
陳渝潔 |
計畫名稱:互動式繪本創作融合澎湖縣在地化英語自編教材之研究 |
指導研究生論文 (Advisor of Graduate Student Thesis)
編號 (No.) |
日期 (Date) |
學生姓名 (Student’s name) |
論文名稱 (Thesis title) |
1 |
2018/07 |
張秀貞 |
2 |
2017/08 |
三種英語教學型態對語言學習及批判思考的影響 The Effects of Three Types of Teaching on Language Learning and Critical Thinking Skills |
3 |
2016/03 |
探討文化於企業國際產品策略中的影響:以臺灣中小企業為例 Impacts of Cultural Factors on the International Product Strategy: A Case Study of a Taiwanese Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise |
4 |
2015/06 |
從溝通式英語教材閱讀活動設計之研究與比較 A Comparative Study of Design for Reading Activities in Communicative ELT Materials |
5 |
2015/05 |
專業英語之需求分析與課程設計:以臺灣高職生為例Needs Analysis and Curriculum Design in ESP: A Case Study of Vocational High School Students in Taiwan |
6 |
2015/05 |
從專業英語課程到施展簡報競賽:臺灣高職生學習轉移之個案研究 From an ESP Program to a Trade Fair Presentation Contest: A Case Study of Taiwanese VHS Students’ Learning Transfer |
7 |
2015/01 |
有聲故事書對國中生英語閱讀能力與學習動機的影響 The Effects of Reading Aloud with Audio Story Books on EFL Junior High School Students’ Reading Abilities and Learning Motivation |
期刊論文 (Journal Articles)
專書 (Book)
Lo, Y. G. (2010). A journey from learning to teach to teaching to learn across cultures: An in-depth case study of non-native EFL teacher. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, Germany. (ISBN: 978-3-8433-8450-6)
專書論文 (Book Chapters)
會議論文集 (Conference Proceedings)
書評 (Book Review)
Lo, Y. G. (2017). Review of Maria José Lisboa Antunes’ English for Specific Purposes, Teaching English for Tourism: A Needs Analysis Based Approach (2016). Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
在地化英文科教材製作與發表(Publications of Localized ELT Materials)
研討會論文發表 (Conference Presentations)