2018 Fall Financial Aid Scholarship application starts from October 29th to 16:00, November 2nd 2018
2018-10-29 08:00:00

2018 Fall Financial Aid for International Student Scholarship at Taiwan Tech


2018 Fall Financial Aid Scholarship application starts from October 29th to 16:00, November 2nd 2018

Please check carefully to the below eligibility and application deadline before you submit the documents:


1.     A full-time international student, who has completed at least one semester in Taiwan Tech.

2.     Students who have already received NTUST Scholarship (including full scholarship, partial scholarship and tuition waiver), Taiwan Scholarship and scholarship from hometown government are NOT eligible to apply this scholarship.


Time to file an application:

1.     The deadline is on Friday, November 2nd by 16:00.

2.     Please download the application form at: http://www.oia.ntust.edu.tw/ezfiles/17/1017/img/1128/ApplicationForm(0130revised).docx

3.     Please read through the guideline carefully before you file the application: http://www.oia.ntust.edu.tw/ezfiles/17/1017/img/1128/FinancialAidguideline_EN.pdf

4.     Please submit your application to the Office of International Affairs (IB402) before deadline.


Application Result:

1.     Application result will be announced online and via email to all applicants by end of November.

2.      OIA will contact awarded applicants for further scholarship information.


If you have any questions regarding the scholarship eligibility or application process, please contact Amber Chen at amberx27@mail.ntust.edu.tw